Championing Infrastructures
for Community Benefit / the Commons
Our Allies share our values
Together, we are dedicated to ongoing regenerative inquiry and facilitated convening, separate from founder or funder agenda, to champion teams that are in rapid cycle adaptive learning.
Read testimonials from our allies here
Presence of Mine - Website
Kairotic Flow - Explorers, Coaching and Consulting
Kairotic Flow Indiegogo Campaign
Everyone’s Wisdom - Website
Cycle of Emergence - Patterning the cycles of co-creation
Group Coherence research - Understanding the best conditions for group flow, alignement and community actualization
Engagement flows - shifting onboarding to paths of service and increased engagement for individual and collective flourishing
Technology for Thriving - Developing tech that serves instead of uses humanity - alliance with Catalist
8th Flame Fellowship
Fiscal Sponsor / Flow through entity for Benefaction / Contributions
8th Flame Fellowship will provide the interim infrastructure to set up and navigate whatever financial pathways emerge through the Wisdom Council, as necessary or preferred, to continue to transparently channel funds and resources where, how, and as required according to the nature or the Commons.
The 2nd half of the 8th Flame Fellowship’s Mission is: “… to cultivate the conditions by which humanity may support themselves and those around them through the transitions we are all experiencing, and are yet to experience as a species / ecosystem of this planet.”
The Executive of 8th Flame therefore, are present as the Fiduciary to continue a bespoke rhythm of communication to and with the Benefactors. Serving as the dutiful entity “buffering” and ensuring that the Conversation Culture of the Wisdom Council (as stewarded by veteran WINfinity Practitioners and Participants) can function free of any externally imposed Market or State agendas, habits or practices.
Caipp - Website
Performance-based Developmental Evaluation
Technology for Thriving - Developing tech that serves instead of uses humanity Growing
Grow strengths, Shrink risks, Out-learn your competitors, Innovate new capabilities
Karmic Margin - Website
Facilitation - Small Fellowship groups dedicated to collaborative innovation
The Pivot - Website
Purpose : Living Soil. Mutuality. Thriving Communities.
Healthy microbial living soil is a trim tab. It enhances the benefits all of life.
Stewards of The Pivot apply, manage and facilitate by way of modelling and embodying WINfinity’s Conversation Culture - which amplifies the effectiveness of additional tools and processes used, such as the Alignment Process (David Rose) and Conscious Full Spectrum Results Workship (Monica Sharma).
The Decision-Matrix (Flint) that we develop with / for our clients, help to assess “right action” and “right timing” and create community feedback loops for crucial / enduring impact of any project.
Human Learning Systems (HLS) - HLS website
WINfinity has received and accepted the invitation to Convene Human Learning Systems’ International Community of Practice. In the article below, Dr. Toby Lowe challenges us to refresh for relevance – to embark on the re-writing of communal narrative by giving attention to what is shaping our assumptions.
We consider it an honour to be invited by Dr. Toby Lowe, in his work with The Centre for Public Impact, to champion HLS as a compass point for this important work that is emerging in, through and for, the growing field of service in the name of the public.
Dr. Toby Lowe’s Medium Article of February 2021 (on definition of Community)
eBook Public Service for the Real World - outlining HLS as an alternative public management paradigm.
Videos of Toby presenting about it:
In the name of that narrative reconstruction process - we wish to also further reference these additional works:
John Hagel (on Narrative in a broader term to “Story”)
Dave Snowden (on the power of Informal Networks)
Fair Shares Commons - Website – Team Graduates 2021 - slated for 2025
Governance for an economy that works for the planet, for people and for profit.
Treating all capitals, all stakeholders on equitable footing.
Syntropic Enterprise - Website – Team Graduates 2021
Attribution for the concept of a Pattern Integrity
Many more Joint Ventures and Strategic Alliances are Emerging - Is this you?
Curious to explore more?
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